SMT Music Nurture Groups

SMT Music Nurture Groups

Sutton Music Trust has completed a successful first term of Music Nurture Group delivery in two Sutton schools. They were added to our offer for 23-24 and have already proven a tangible and positive impact on the participating students.  

Following on from an effective pilot scheme last year, we were delighted to add Music Nurture groups to our Schools Provision offer. They are in addition to Whole Class Ensemble Teaching provision, music clubs or peripatetic lessons, and are small bespoke groups for pupils who are at risk of negative outcomes.  


This term our tutor Archie Jennings has been leading groups in two primary schools. One nurture group is running for the Autumn term, the other for a full year and we reached out to both schools to seek feedback. The testimonials we received prove the participants experience a positive and long-lasting impact. These experiences have a ripple effect which last far beyond the group’s session time. 

One school SENCO said the children

“were supported with removing the barriers to learning such as thinking, listening to other children, waiting their turn, sharing, organising their thoughts/ opinions and some gained in confidence to have a say. They developed the ability to working in groups and pairs…“.

 They had the adult attention they crave”.  

These groups use music to engage pupils who may experience challenges such as attendance, mental health and well-being or who have experienced trauma. Students are given the opportunity to participate and contribute to a safe and small group through the medium of music. 

Want to find out more?

To learn more about the sessions and what types of activities take place within the sessions, watch our video:

If you would like to arrange a Music Nurture Group in your school, contact Claire Cossins at

