Interested in joining? Visit our SpeedAdmin registration page to start making music with us!
We offer a variety of ensembles for orchestral and band instrumentalists, which are organised by Maddie Wood, Ensembles, Events & Media Coordinator. There are bands and orchestras for young musicians of all ages and abilities.
The ensembles rehearse on weekday evenings during term time and are a great way to enjoy music-making and meet friends. There are concerts at the end of each term and players can also take part in our residential music weekends away (years 4-8) and European concert tours (year 9+).
Ensemble Pricing
Ensemble membership
For the first time your child is joining one of our ensemblesSibling membership
If your child already has a sibling in one of our ensemblesAdditional membership
For each additional ensemble your child joins after their first ensembleMore information
Ensembles Welcome Pack
Download our Ensembles Welcome Pack, with key information and further details about the ensembles we offer.

Young Musicians String Group (YMSG)
Beginner level (2-3 terms experience) ensemble for violins, violas, cellos and double basses.

Young Musicians Training Orchestra (YMTO)
First full orchestra for young players of string, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments.

Young Musicians Orchestra (YMO)
The same instrumentation as YMTO but performs a more challenging repertoire.

Sutton Youth Symphony Orchestra (SYSO)
A full symphony orchestra for advanced orchestral instrumentalists.

Sutton Youth Training Band (SYTB)
Beginner level band for woodwind, brass and percussion players.

Sutton Youth Symphonic Band (SYSB)
The same instrumentation as SYTB, but the level of playing is higher with a varied repertoire.

Sutton Youth Wind Orchestra (SYWO)
Our senior concert band for advanced woodwind, brass and percussion players