Key Stage 2 Big Sing 2022

Key Stage 2 Big Sing 2022

Sutton Music Service works to help all children and young people to make, be inspired by, and celebrate the music that they love. Providing opportunities for pupils to experience singing together where they can increase their confidence and technique is really important and has many benefits.

On Friday, 17th June, schools across Sutton came together to participate in Sutton Music Service’s inaugural Key Stage 2 Big Sing. The event was at St Andrew’s United Reform Church in Cheam, and across the day, 150 pupils from five schools participated in the morning and afternoon concerts.

Each school choir took to the stage to perform their pieces, followed by massed singing of four songs that the choirs had been practising over the past months. The audience, made up of friends and families of the performers, was treated to a lively programme of pop songs, medleys, and world songs.

“I was delighted to see the way that the school choirs took to the event with such enthusiasm, and the performance was so uplifting. This was our first Key Stage 2 Big Sing event, and I look forward to even more choirs taking part next year!”

Get involved in our singing events in 2022/23

We hope that even more singers take part in our future events and have planned more Big Sings for 2022/2023. Please add these dates to the diary, with more information to follow!

  • Sutton Sings Christmas! – 8th December 2022
  • Key Stage 1 Big Sing – 25th and 26th April 2023
  • Key Stage 2 Big Sing – 13th June 2023