We’ve put together some videos to help you keep singing while at home.

Cambiata Choral Series: Tongue and Jaw Positioning
In the final video of our series, Jacob Swindells shares his top tips on jaw and tongue position whilst singing.

Cambiata Choral Series: Vocal Blade and Resonance
The second video in our series looks at vocal blade and resonance, explained by our Sutton Young Singers accompanist and singer, Jacob Swindells.

Tongue Twister Warm-Up
Join our vocal tutor Emily Roberts with this fun tongue-twister warm-up

Vowel Warm Up
Warm up your voice using this simple exercise with our vocal tutor, Emily Roberts

Cambiata Choral Series
Our Sutton Young Singers accompanist and singer Jacob Swindells explores posture and breathing in this new video aimed at Cambiata voices

Straw Technique
Grab a straw and join our vocal tutor, Emily Roberts, with this fun warm-up!

“When the Saints go marching in” – Part 1
Here’s our vocal tutor, Emily Roberts, teaching us part 1 of “When the Saints go marching in”

‘Tonic sol-fa’ and hand signals
Explore the ‘Tonic sol-fa’ and hand signals with our vocal tutor, Emily Roberts

Traditional Congolese song ‘Si si si’
Learn traditional Congolese song ‘Si si si’ with our vocal tutor, Emily Roberts

“When the Saints go marching in” – Part 2
Learn part 2 of ‘When the Saints go marching in’ with our vocal tutor, Emily Roberts