Inclusion Strategy

Inclusion Strategy

Inclusion Statement

The Sutton Music Education Hub is committed to enhancing a variety of diverse and cultural musical experiences that are reflective of the children and young people we serve.



Sutton Music Trust aims to help every young person in the London Borough of Sutton to make, be inspired by, and celebrate the music they love.

It is the job of Sutton Music Hub to deliver this vision and coordinate all the people, partners and resources needed to consistently strive to reach this aim.


We provide access to music in all its forms for the people of the London Borough of Sutton. We offer brilliant and affordable music tuition and opportunities to participate and excel in performance, and we champion new and exciting forms of music.

Whatever your ability, your passion or your preferred music tastes, we want to offer affordable and inclusive opportunities for young people and their communities to get involved.

It is the job of Sutton Music Trust to deliver this mission. The SMT is where music teaching, listening and playing all come together for the benefit of the young people of the London Borough of Sutton.


  • We are committed to making a difference.
  • We are creative in our thinking but always aim for high standards.
  • We are inclusive and open.
  • We are open-minded about music.
  • We advocate music learning for all people.
  • We are part of a community, and we are a family.
  • We love what we do.

What do we mean by Inclusion?

  • We want to bring as many children and young people together as possible to make music with us – all are welcome!
  • We want children and young people to know that their musical cultures and tastes are important and that we want to hear and celebrate them.
  • We want to create as many musical opportunities as possible, to celebrate all forms of music.
  • We want our activities to be a true reflection of the cultures we celebrate and will seek specialist partners to create high-quality musical experiences.
  • We want our children and young people to have the opportunity to work with specialist musicians that reflect the diversity of the London Borough of Sutton.
  • We want to support all children and young people to be accessing a brilliant, inspiring musical education, regardless of the barriers that they face.
  • We want to listen to what young people have to say and work with them to develop their Music Hub.

Where are we?

  • Very much at the start of our EDI Plan and journey. We serve a total school population of 35,431. The school population has steadily grown over successive years, as has the number of students who receive Free School Meals (16%).
  • The Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) puts 32.8% of children in the most deprived decile, 38.2% in the middle, and 28.4% in the least deprived. 1.6% of pupils are enrolled in Special Schools and 0.7% in Pupil Referral Units (PRU). 4.4% of pupils have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP), and 11% receive Special Educational Needs support.
  • The top three spoken languages other than English are Tamil (4.7%), Urdu (2.9%), and Polish (2.3%).
  • The Sutton Music Hub has signed the Music Mark Talk in Action Pledge to ensure fair treatment and opportunity for all.

Needs Analysis

OfferMusical PreferenceSENDLow IncomeCulturalYouth Voice
Vocal & Instrumental LearningMusic Academy tuition

In-School Peripatetic tuition

Western classical instruments

Contemporary instruments (guitar, drum kit, etc.)


Music Production
SEND/ Well-being Student Profiles

Youth Music Sensory Impairment Project
FSM Remissions

Sibling discount

Additional ensemble dis-count

SYMSA bursaries
Music Groups (Ensembles)3x Orchestra (beginner, intermediate, and senior)

3x Wind Bands (beginner, intermediate, and senior)

3x Choirs (KS1, unbroken voices, broken voices)

Rock & Pop performance (ArtsOne Rocks – Hub Partner)

Academy Ensembles (Small groups – brass and guitar)
SEND/ Well-being Student ProfilesFSM Remissions

Sibling discount

Additional ensemble discount

SYMSA bursaries
Ensembles trips to professional concert performancesStudent Council

Student representation on the Music Hub Advisory Board
Concerts & EventsAutumn, Spring & Summer Concert Weeks

Music Academy Recitals
RemissionsTermly “Up Next” Showcases for young DJs, Music Producers & Songwriters

Student Council-led Performances
Schools OfferWhole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET), including Music Production and guitar/ ukuleleOpen Orchestra at Sherwood Park Special SchoolLessons and musical groups at all price points.

Remissions & subsidy
What Music Means to You Youth Voice Survey

Our Inclusion Focus for 2023-24

Inclusion DataReview what student data Sutton Music Trust can collect to inform inclusion strategies.Update our Client Relationship Software (CRM) to collect the identified data.Review and clean up all student data on CRM.

Present all available data to the Music Hub Advisory Board.
Inclusion SurveyDesign an inclusion and accessibility survey for all ensemble members that will help us to understand our current position and support the development of our inclusion strategy.Analyse and present the data to the Music Hub Advisory Board for discussion and to inform the strategy development.Decide on whether this survey should be rolled out to other areas of the Music Trust in future years.
Activity OfferRelaunch the Sutton Youth Autistic Choir after its successful trial last year.

Revisit the learning from our Sensory Impairment DJing project and ensure that young people with SI are still accessing the activity.
Evaluate the impact of both pieces of work and what learning can be shared within Sutton Music Trust and the London SW Music Hub (from September 2024)

CurriculumAudit all our curriculums, including ensemble repertoire, to establish the level of diversity that they provide.

Integrate Youth Voice in the selection of repertoire. Create a plan to celebrate Black History Month in October. For example, performing works by black composers and signposting students to the work of black composers and artists.
Youth VoiceShare the 2023 What Music Means to Me survey at the National Music Mark Conference.Decide on what to do next with the What Music Means to Me Youth Survey with the Sutton Youth Music Forum and the Hub Advisory Board.Develop case studies of the various different paths that young people take on their musical journeys to highlight to others that there is no one way to be a musician.

Reviewed: November 2023



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