Mini Melody Makers – Music for the Early Years

Mini Melody Makers – Music for the Early Years

A group of adults and young children playing with a multi coloured parachute

Sutton Music Service (SMS) strives to bring music to children of all ages across the borough of Sutton. The Power of Music to Change Lives: A National Plan for Music Education states that a strong foundation of music in the early years is vital for all children.


SMS is helping early years providers to provide this strong foundation with Mini Melody Makers, a weekly music session for Sutton Childminders and their charges. This was trialled with three sessions this time last year in collaboration with the Early Years Team in Cognus and was hugely popular.

The first Mini Melody Makers class was on 19th January in the Cognus offices, with five childminders and 14 babies and toddlers. During the 45-minute session, the children moved to different types of music with the help of a 12-foot parachute and later with shakers and rattles. There was the opportunity to practice fine motor skills when the bubble machine came out, and the children tried to pop as many bubbles as possible. All the music-making, singing, and dancing contributed to development across the seven learning goals as identified in Development Matters: Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage. For example, clapping and stamping to music is part of physical development. Responding to changes in music (such as from quiet to loud) is part of expressive arts and design.


One childminder said this about one of the children they brought:

“It was fantastic, and he had a great time - he normally just sits on the side but was dancing and singing and really enjoying himself."

Want to get involved?

If you are interested in finding out more about Mini Melody Makers or how Sutton Music Service can support the development of Music in your EYFS setting, we would love to hear from you. Email us at

If you are interested in evaluating your current music provision, you can do so using our simple Self-Evaluation Tool.

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