SYMSA (Sutton Youth Music Supporters Association) is a registered charity established to support Sutton Music Service in fulfilling their vision to help every young person in the borough to make, be inspired by and to celebrate the music they love. In ‘normal times’, we help at concerts, support behind-the-scenes at functions, and raise funds to help buy instruments, subsidise lessons, trips and tours to ensure that Sutton’s amazing young musicians get every possible opportunity to enjoy their music-making.


COVID Crowdfunding

The global pandemic has affected us all. Young people are under all sorts of pressures that we would not have expected a year ago. Learning and making music gives a young person a sense of purpose, achievement, a community to be part of, and much more. We have a COVID crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to help families who may be in financial hardship at this time. Your donation will make a huge difference by giving a child a chance to continue learning and making music where they would otherwise have to stop because of the economic effects of the pandemic. 

If you feel you could donate to our COVID fundraiser, please follow this link –

If you’ve been impacted financially by the pandemic, you can apply for bursaries through the following link:

All applications will be treated completely confidentially and on an individual basis.

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