Work Experience at Sutton Music Trust

Work Experience at Sutton Music Trust

Sutton Music Trust offers Work Experience provision for students in Key Stage 4 and 5. This provides students with an insight into working in music education, arts management, and event planning. Read below an article from Piper, one of our recent Work Experience students, who tells us about their own musical journey and their Work Experience placement.

Having the opportunity to do work experience at Sutton Music Trust has had a fantastic impact on my musical journey and taught me valuable skills in the working environment.

Starting as a singer in various school choirs from the age of 11 (in year 7) and working my way up to my school’s most prominent choir: the ‘Chapel Choir’, I have learnt a great deal about singing, reading sheet music, and the wonder of music. I began to take a great interest at the age of 13 when I fell in love with musicals and musical theatre; I was always listening to soundtracks of the most popular shows and constantly finding new musicals to watch online and thus began the deep appreciation of music I have today.

I indulged this great interest by continuing to sing in school choirs (joining the school’s ‘Chapel Choir’ when I was 14), as well as volunteering every week to sing in a small voluntary choir for the school’s weekly ‘Compline’ services that take place every Thursday evening. I vastly enjoy being able to sing classical music so regularly and share my love of music with so many other young singers.

Furthermore, my love for musical theatre grew as I studied drama GCSE and had the fortune of seeing ‘Guys and Dolls’ at the Bridge Theatre on a school trip! When I was 15, I also had the privilege to see a production of the infamous ‘Les Misérables’ in London; however, nothing impacted my musical journey quite as greatly as when I took part in my school’s production of Sweeney Todd!

The photos above show some photos some of our students have taken during their Work Experience over this term.

My work experience at Sutton Music Trust has been vastly interesting and a fantastic introduction to the work that goes on behind the scenes. Throughout the week I have learnt about the inner workings of the team and what goes into making sure the service runs smoothly, as well as skills like instrument maintenance, data organisation, and most importantly: teaching music!

I spent time in the office sorting music and improving my organisational skills, as well as practising data entry and learning about the organisation of data online, something I am sure will be a useful and transferable skill.

In the office, I spoke to colleagues about their jobs and roles within the team and got to know the wonderful people who run the service and adapt to the working environment –  a refreshing change from the previous stress of GCSEs and exams!

Additionally, I had the fantastic opportunity to work with some primary school students, helping in their ukulele classes, and talking to them about my musical journey. This allowed me to learn about teaching and the classroom environment, broadening my horizons and increasing the already wide variety of my work experience.

Overall, I enjoyed my work experience with the Sutton Music Trust and would highly recommend it to young musicians and creatives. I am glad to add this to my musical journey.

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