Music Hubs work with their partner schools to support the development of high-quality music curriculums and extracurricular programmes. Sutton Music Service does this in a variety of ways. For example, our Big Sing concerts and the associated training workshops, our termly successful and well-attended TeachMeets, and bespoke packages created to meet the particular needs of a school, such as developing Technology-based Music or support with Music Development Plans.
As a Music Service, we are committed to helping students across the London Borough of Sutton to make, be inspired by, and celebrate the music they love. The recently refreshed National Plan for Music Education calls for schools and Music Hubs to work even closer together to create better opportunities for students to learn more about music and become more musical.
Since September 2022, Sutton Music Service has been working with the University of Roehampton to deliver wider curriculum studies for music on all its primary education pathways. The Music Service has worked with over 200 students accessing Initial Teacher Training (ITT) through a BA (Hons) degree, Post Graduate Certificate for Education (PGCE), and School Direct. The taught sessions have introduced the student teachers to the strategic intention for music set out in the National Plan for Music Education, to what outstanding music teaching looks like, effective curriculum design, leading whole-class singing and music in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). We have made the sessions as practical as possible to help the students develop their musical skills, build up their resource banks, inspire them to use music strategies across the entire curriculum, and give practical advice on protecting their voices.

"Working with the University of Roehampton, one of London's largest providers for Initial Teacher Training, has provided a fantastic opportunity for Sutton Music Service to support the development of music in primary schools right from the very start of a teacher's career. Explaining to the trainees what great music teaching looks and sounds like has been highly rewarding. Working in partnership with a university so well known for its specialism in teacher training is another example of how as a Music Hub, we are always looking to develop and create brilliant musical outcomes for children and young people."
Gareth Gay, Head of Music Service
Here are just some of how Sutton Music Service supports music in the borough’s schools:
- Termly TeachMeets
- Big Sing events
- Access to concerts and other performances
- Delivery of Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET)
- Music Provision Self-Evaluation Tool
- Peripatetic vocal and instrumental lessons
- CPD events
- Support with access to Charanga Music School and Focus on Sound
- Regular newsletters to signpost opportunities and Music Education developments
- Support with Music Development Plans
- SEND Music
- Music nurture groups
Get in touch to find out how Sutton Music Service could support the development of music in your school!
Contact to make an enquiry
Are you interested in getting into teaching?
To find out more about the University of Roehampton’s routes into teaching, click here.
Or visit the Get into Teaching website –