Practical Music Exams with Sutton Music Trust

Practical Music Exams

Sutton Music Trust (SMT) currently run as a private exam centre for ABRSM, Trinity, and Rockschool.

Exams take place over a week at the end of term, usually the following SMT Concert Week. They take place at our offices at First Floor, Cantium House, Railway Approach, Wallington, SM6 0DZ.

Letters are sent out when the exam period for each term is open, with further instructions on how to apply. Parents/Carers are invoiced for lessons through our music administration system, Speed Admin. Please note that there will be an additional, non-refundable £8.50 administration fee added to your exam fee.

What is the administration fee?

The administration for all music exams, as well as providing a steward on the day brings an additional cost, which is why we need to charge an additional fee.

We have many pupils in Sutton who take exams, so we arrange private visits.  This means:

  • We choose the dates, so you have them well in advance.
  • The exams take place in a convenient location that is familiar for many.
  • We provide a warm-up room.
  • We will provide you with the details of the accompanist (if required).
  • There is an SMT member of staff stewarding the exams and can help you with any queries.

Next Steps

If you wish to discuss your child’s readiness for an exam, please talk to your child’s music tutor directly.

Please note, spaces for exams are limited by the number of slots the examiner has available.

A minimum number per exam board is also required.

Although we will attempt to accommodate all students, we cannot guarantee a space. Priority will be given to Sutton Music Trust students.

From January 2025, an SMT Exam Remission of 20% will be available for eligible students to apply for.