Sutton Community Choir

Conducted by Heather Cairns

Interested in joining?

The choir rehearses Mondays 6.00pm-7.30pm

at Sutton Central Library

Sutton Community Choir is a new inclusive vocal ensemble who meet weekly at Sutton Central Library every Monday (term-time only) from 18.00-19.30.

The choir is open to everyone – there is no audition, and it is an excellent opportunity to learn new skills, meet new friends and have fun!

Led by an experienced vocal tutor, Heather Cairns, the choir enjoy exploring music from various genres and singing in end of term concerts. We are always looking for new members, and you are welcome to come and try a rehearsal before signing up. If you are interested in joining the Sutton Community Choir, please contact us.

Sutton Community Choir is also available to perform at local community events. For more information or if you would like the choir to sing at your event, please contact us.

Rehearsal dates 2024/25

Autumn Term 2024

September 16th, 23rd, 30th

October 7th, 14th

November 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th

December 2nd, 5th (Autumn Concert), 9th, 11th (Sutton Sings Christmas)

Spring Term 2025

January 13th, 20th, 27th

February 3rd, 10th, 24th

March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 27th (Spring Concert)

Summer Term 2025

April 28th

May 12th, 19th

June 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th

July 3rd (Summer Concert)

Our Choirs

We have a range of choirs for all ages and abilities. Check them out below!

Sutton Youth Choir

Auditioned choir for advanced and skilled singers aged 13-18, aimed at broken and unbroken SATB voices.


Click here to access our community choir resources