What we do

At Sutton Music Trust, you can...

Play in an orchestra or band

We offer a variety of ensembles for orchestral and band instrumentalists. There are bands and orchestras for young musicians of all ages and abilities.

The ensembles rehearse on weekday evenings during term time and are a great way to enjoy music-making and to make new friends.

There are concerts at the end of each term and players can also take part in our residential music weekends away
 (years 4-8) and European concert tours (year 9+).

Picture taken from behind of a girl playing violin dressed in black
A photo of children singing wearing school uniform

Sing in a choir

Sutton Music Trust is dedicated to providing a singing provision at all stages of development to ensure opportunities, progression, enrichment and challenge. We aim to encourage as many children as possible to regularly sing with structure and focus to a high quality.

We run four choirs catering to all ages and abilities: Sutton Songbirds (5 – 8 year olds), Sutton Young Singers, Sutton Youth Choir, and Sutton Community Choir (adult choir).

Learn to sing or play an instrument at our Music Academy

Sutton Music Trust Music Academy runs across three days at two locations on Wednesday Evenings, Thursday Evenings, and Saturday mornings. 

Our specialist instrumental music teachers teach a variety of orchestral and contemporary instruments in one to one and paired lessons, along with our Debut! classes which are accessible group lessons targeted at younger learners. We also provide group music theory and aural lessons, catering to students of all ages. 

We aim to provide as many children as possible with a high quality and enjoyable musical experience. 

Two young girls dressed in pink clothing, one is helping the other with finding a note on the violin
Children playing the trumpet wearing school uniform

Learn to sing or play an instrument at their school during the school day

Sutton Music Trust delivers peripatetic instrumental and vocal lessons in schools across the borough.

Study songwriting, Music Production, composition, and DJing

Sutton Music Trust celebrates all forms of music. Join our Songwriters’ Circle, study Music Production and composition, and learn to DJ!

Young person DJing on stage

Hire an instrument

Sutton Music Trust has a large number of musical instruments available for hire to pupils who attend a school within the London Borough of Sutton. Our instrument loan service is a key part of the Music Trust’s commitment to helping young people access affordable instrumental tuition.

Make music with your baby or toddler

Sutton Music Trust runs Mini Melody Makers, which are a fun and engaging music session with parents or childminders and their children in the Early Years. Music making with children contributes to development across the seven learning goals as identified in Development Matters: Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage. For example, clapping and stamping to music is part of physical development. Responding to changes in music (such as from quiet to loud) is part of expressive arts and design.

Find out more here.

3 young children play with scarves as an adult plays the ukulele
An exam room - a young girl is playing violin, a tutor is playing the piano, all being watched by an examiner

Take a music exam

Sutton Music Trust (SMT) currently run as a private exam centre for ABRSM, Trinity and Rockschool London.

Exams take place over a week at the end of term, usually the following SMT Concert Week. They take place at our offices at First Floor, Cantium House, Railway Approach, Wallington, SM6 0DZ.